Don’t Be Afraid of Stopping Your Toothache

Misplaced fears regarding root canal therapy are not uncommon, but it's important to understand that modern procedures are far less painful compared to common misconceptions. In fact, root canal therapy is performed to alleviate the discomfort caused by inflamed or infected tooth pulp. At Exceptional Dentistry Chandler, Dr. Eric takes pleasure in assisting patients in overcoming their concerns about root canal therapy, ultimately preserving their smiles. If you are experiencing a toothache and feel anxious about the treatment options, we urge you to contact us promptly to explore the benefits of smile-saving root canal therapy in Chandler, AZ.

Why Choose Exceptional Dentistry Chandler for Root Canal Therapy?

Experienced, Caring Dentist
Overcoming Fear is Our Specialty
Dental Office That Empowers Patients with Oral Health

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The Root Canal Procedure

Firstly, it's important to note that your mouth will be numbed before the procedure, ensuring that you won't experience any pain during the treatment. Any discomfort you may feel afterwards is typically very mild. During the procedure, we will create an opening in the tooth to access and remove the damaged pulp along with the infection-causing bacteria. The tooth's interior will be meticulously cleaned before it is filled and sealed to prevent further infection.
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Reasons for a Root Canal

Typically, the pulp within your tooth is safeguarded by the enamel. However, there are instances when the pulp can become inflamed or infected, often due to untreated cavities or unaddressed cracks in the tooth. In certain cases, the pulp may have suffered damage from an injury, even if there are no visible signs. Untreated inflammation or infection of the pulp can cause severe pain, and if left untreated, the tooth may ultimately be lost. This is why root canal therapy is frequently required to address the issue.