Gum Disease Treatment – Chandler, AZ

Keeping Your Gums Healthy and Your Teeth Safe

Inadequate brushing and flossing habits impact not only your teeth but also create an opportunity for oral bacteria to infect your gums. Initially, periodontal disease may appear relatively harmless, but if left untreated and progresses to periodontitis, it can lead to severe consequences such as tooth loss and potential systemic health issues like heart disease. Worried about your gum health? Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric for professional periodontal therapy in Chandler, AZ.

Why Choose Exceptional Dentistry Chandler for Periodontal Therapy?

We Aim to Make Each Appointment Enjoyable
Anxiety-Free Deep Cleaning Procedures
Down-to-Earth Dentist and Team

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome! Call Us Today.

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Scaling & Root Planing

As gum disease advances, pockets develop between your teeth and gums. To facilitate healing and eliminate bacteria from these pockets, a deep cleaning procedure is performed. This begins with scaling, which involves the removal of plaque and tartar from both the tooth surface and the area beneath the gum line. Subsequently, root scaling is conducted to smooth out rough surfaces of the tooth root, preventing easy reattachment of bacteria. Deep cleaning allows your mouth to recover and promotes better oral health.
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Preventing Gum Disease

While we can help you control your gum disease, it’s generally best to avoid it altogether. To prevent gum disease, you should:

Brush your teeth at least twice a day to remove food debris and plaque trapped in your mouth.

Floss daily to clean the areas between your teeth.

Swish with mouthwash to reduce the level of plaque in your mouth.

Be aware of risk factors for gum disease such as age and tobacco use.