Rebuild Your Smile and Renew Your Confidence

Traditional dentures have several advantages, including improved appearance and the ability to eat a diverse range of foods. However, they also come with certain limitations. Many individuals experience issues with denture stability and struggle with eating certain challenging foods. Additionally, conventional dentures do not provide support to maintain jawbone health. Fortunately, dental implant-retained dentures offer an effective solution to address these concerns. To discover more about this remarkable treatment and how dental implant-retained dentures in Chandler, AZ can potentially enhance your quality of life, please continue reading this page.

Why Choose Exceptional Dentistry Chandler for Dental Implant-Retained Dentures?

Dental Implant-Retained Dentures Placed and Restored in One Location
Comfortable Dental Boutique
We Help You Overcome Dental Fears
the candidate of dental implants

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implant-Retained Dentures?

If you have experienced significant tooth loss or have severe dental issues that require extraction of your remaining teeth, you may be a suitable candidate for implant-retained dentures. This advanced dental solution can also be an excellent option for individuals who currently wear traditional dentures and desire an upgraded smile.

However, before undergoing the implant procedure, it is essential to meet specific criteria assessed by Dr. Eric, your implant dentist in Chandler. He will carefully examine your oral health to ensure the absence of active gum disease and evaluate the volume of bone in your jaw, which is crucial for supporting dental implants. In case any obstacles prevent immediate implant placement, Dr. Eric will develop a personalized treatment plan aimed at addressing these concerns and potentially making you a candidate for dental implants in the future.

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The Dental Implant-Retained Denture Procedure

Once any necessary preparatory treatments, such as extractions or bone grafts, have been completed, the next step is the implant placement surgery. Dr. Eric, in Chandler, AZ, will precisely position the dental implants within your jawbone according to the pre-planned treatment. Subsequently, a healing period will be necessary, during which the implants will undergo osseointegration, forming a strong bond with the surrounding tissue.

After successful osseointegration, Dr. Eric will customize your dental implant-retained dentures. Depending on your specific needs, these prosthetics may be permanently fixed in your mouth or designed as removable overdentures that securely attach to small attachments on top of the dental implants, providing stability and comfort.

the benefits of combining dentures and dental implants

The Benefits of Combining Dentures and Dental Implants

Dental implant-retained dentures offer numerous benefits, including:

They preserve the jawbone. Because the implants act as substitute tooth roots, they stimulate the jawbone and help to prevent the bone deterioration that normally occurs after tooth loss.

They provide a powerful bite force. Because your new teeth will be anchored in your jaw, you will be able to eat virtually any food without taking special precautions.

They provide a powerful bite force. Because your new teeth will be anchored in your jaw, you will be able to eat virtually any food without taking special precautions.

Their fit will not change. Traditional dentures must be periodically relined in order to maintain their fit. Dental implant-retained dentures do not have this issue.

They look and feel natural. You will be able to speak and smile with total confidence in your new teeth.

Are you ready to embark on your dental implant journey? Contact our team today. We look forward to serving you!

Dental Implant Dentures FAQ's