Call Us Today If Your Teeth Are Hurting

Emergency Dentist in Chandler, AZ

When faced with a dental emergency, the intense pain or mouth damage makes it evident that professional assistance is necessary without delay. Our dedicated team at Exceptional Dentistry Chandler understands the urgency and will make every effort to schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric on the same day. We offer various sedation options and prioritize your comfort to help you relax during the treatment process while striving to restore your smile. Rest assured, our office maintains advanced safety protocols to ensure a safe, clean, and healthy environment. If you're experiencing tooth pain, contact us today to schedule an emergency dentist appointment.

Why Choose Exceptional Dentistry Chandler for Emergency Dental Care?

Calming Sedation Available for Comfortable Treatment
Expert Dentist Who Performs a Wide Variety of Services
Safe, Relaxing Dental Office & Friendly Team
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How We Treat Dental Emergencies

As daunting and tense as a dental emergency may be, it is crucial to take prompt action to prevent further damage. To regain control of the situation, the first step is to contact our office and schedule an emergency dentist appointment. Once you arrive, here is a general outline of how we will address your dental emergency:

Schedule your same-day emergency appointment: We’ll schedule your emergency appointment as soon as possible, often within the same day. Then, we’ll give you first aid instructions to use until you can reach our office.

Your emergency exam with Dr. Eric: When you arrive, your emergency dentist Dr. Eric will inspect your smile and take any necessary X-rays to learn more about your emergency.

Review your treatment options: Once dentist has narrowed down the underlying issue and the best ways to treat it, he’ll review all his findings with you and fully explain your options.

Repair your smile: We will help you choose the treatment that’s best for you, and then we’ll begin working on your smile to get you out of pain and preserve your natural teeth. If you’re nervous or otherwise very uncomfortable in the dental chair, we have calming sedation options to help you sit back and relax while we get your oral health back on track.

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome! Call Us Today.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Is your smile hurting? Are you experiencing new or concerning dental symptoms? If so, then you should give us a call right away, even if you’re unsure if you need emergency dental care. Our emergency dentists in Chandler, AZ, will listen to your symptoms carefully and determine how quickly you need to be seen. Dental emergencies can come in many forms, and leaving them untreated can often lead to more damage, discomfort, and sometimes even tooth loss. If you have any of the following, give us a call to schedule an emergency dentist appointment!

Chipped Tooth
Cracked Tooth
Sensitivity to Hot & Cold
Knocked-Out Tooth
Lost Filling or Crown
Broken Denture
Loose Tooth
Gums, Lips or Tongue Injury
Jaw Pain or Clenching
Something Stuck Between Teeth
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Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies

It's worth mentioning that it is challenging to provide a predetermined price range for emergency dental treatments. The complexity of each case varies, ranging from simple procedures like fillings or antibiotics to more extensive treatments involving multiple tooth repairs or replacements. The cost of your emergency dental care will be determined by the specific treatment required. During your emergency appointment, we will assess your needs and create a personalized treatment plan, allowing us to provide a more accurate estimate of the final cost.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

Since there are various ways a dental emergency occurs, you can’t entirely avoid the risk of one occurring. Nevertheless, you can keep your teeth and gums significantly safer by:

Brushing at least two times every day with fluoride-based toothpaste

Flossing on a regular basis

Always using scissors to open packages – not your teeth

Avoiding ice, popcorn kernels, hard candy, and other foods known to crack teeth

Getting a mouthguard for playing sports

Visiting Dr. Eric for checkups and cleanings twice a year

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Dental Emergency FAQ’s

We hope that you never experience a dental emergency. Nonetheless, we want you to be as prepared as possible in the even that one of these scary situations strikes. For your convenience, we’ve gathered some of the most common questions we get about urgent dental care below so you can learn more. If you don’t see the information you’re looking for, please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help.