Dental Implants Specialist

Transform Your Smile with Dental Implants: Solution for Missing Teeth

Dental Implants in Chandler, AZ

Dental implants provide a reliable solution for effective tooth replacement. They offer a long-lasting option that not only looks natural but also functions seamlessly, regardless of whether you have lost a single tooth or multiple teeth. Since their invention in 1952, dental implants have become the gold standard in tooth replacement. While traditional bridges and dentures restore the ability to bite and chew, only dental implants can replace the tooth roots, promoting a strong and healthy jawbone. For a free consultation and to determine your candidacy for dental implants, contact our dental office today. Our team will assist you in planning your new smile. If you require special accommodations or have additional inquiries about dental implants, please reach out to our Chandler office and contact Arizona dentist Dr. Eric at (480) 806-2602. We are here to provide you with the information and support you need.

Why Choose Exceptional Dentistry Chandler For Dental Implants?

Replace Any Number of Missing Teeth
Dental Implants Placed & Restored in One Location
Overcoming Dental Fear Is Our Specialty
Image of dental implants

What Are Dental Implants?

Unlike dentures and dental bridges, a dental implant is a surgical fixture that directly interfaces with the jawbone. It is a screw-shaped post, typically made of titanium, that is inserted into the jawbone. Through the process of osseointegration, the implant gradually fuses with the bone. This integration allows the implant to serve as a stable foundation for a dental crown or other dental restorations. The result is a natural-looking, feeling, and functioning smile. One of the greatest advantages of dental implants is the restoration of full chewing power. With dental implants, you can eat and brush your teeth as you would with natural teeth. Experience the benefits of dental implants and regain your confidence in your smile and oral function.

dental implants

The Dental Implant Process

The dental implant process consists of several stages: initial consultation, placement surgery, abutment attachment, and restoration. At Exceptional Dentistry Chandler, we offer all these services in one convenient location. You don't need to travel to multiple places or see unfamiliar specialists. With Dr. Eric and our friendly dental team, you can trust in the expertise of professionals who already know you and understand your unique needs. From start to finish, we will guide you through the entire dental implant journey, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Compared to other types of tooth replacement, dental implants come the closest to being like your natural teeth in terms of both appearance and their overall feel. Their unique placement in the jawbone provides a wide variety of benefits that you simply can’t get with other replacement options, like:

Root Replacements:
Your new implants will stimulate your jaw the same way natural tooth roots do, thus preventing the tissue from breaking down (which could eventually cause your facial structure to collapse.

High Success Rate:
Dental implants are by no means new. Dentists have been using them successfully for decades now, and currently they have a 95% success rate.

When your dentures are permanently attached to implants, you don’t have to take them out at night, and you can continue brushing and flossing as you normally would.

Long Lifespan:
As long as you take proper care of your implants, they’ll last for decades – possibly even the rest of your life.

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome! Call Us Today.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Ideal dental implant candidates typically have one or more missing teeth or a tooth that requires extraction. Additionally, they should have a healthy oral cavity and adequate jawbone density. In certain cases, preparatory procedures like bone grafts or sinus lifts may be required to ensure a successful implant surgery. Our team will carefully assess your individual needs and design a personalized dental implant treatment plan tailored to the number of missing teeth you have. Rest assured that we will prioritize your oral health and provide you with the best possible solution for your unique situation.

Missing 1 Tooth

Replacing a single tooth with a dental implant is a straightforward process. Our periodontists will insert the implant post into the gap left by the missing tooth. After your mouth has fully healed, a customized dental crown will be placed on top of the implant, seamlessly blending in with your natural teeth.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Traditional dental bridges are commonly used to replace a consecutive row of missing teeth. However, a drawback of these bridges is that they rely on natural teeth for support, requiring the removal of enamel to accommodate the crowns. An alternative option is to support the bridge with a pair of dental implants, which offers several advantages for long-term oral health. Implant-supported bridges eliminate the need to alter adjacent healthy teeth and provide a more stable and durable solution.

Missing All Teeth

It only takes about 4 to 8 implant posts to support an entire arch of new teeth. Some implant dentures are designed to be removable (meaning they can snap in and out of place as needed), but many patients prefer the convenience of false teeth that have been permanently anchored in their mouths.
the cost of dental implants

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

When opting for dental implants, you are choosing durable and reliable teeth that offer long-term benefits. It's important to consider the lasting value of this investment when evaluating the overall cost in relation to alternative tooth replacement options. The cost of dental implants is influenced by factors such as the number of teeth requiring replacement, the type of restoration selected, and any necessary preparatory procedures prior to surgery. It's worth noting that the expense reflects the high-quality and longevity of dental implants.
dental implant surgery

CT-Guided Implant Surgery

Dr. Eric employs CT-Guided implant surgery to ensure the utmost precision and confidence for his patients. This advanced procedure starts with a 3D digital scan of your teeth, followed by a comprehensive CT scan that captures detailed images of your head and jaw. This advanced imaging technology not only provides intricate details of your oral structures but also helps identify the precise locations of facial nerves and sinuses. By eliminating guesswork, CT-Guided implant surgery guarantees accurate implant placement, leading to beautiful and long-lasting smiles for years to come.
advanced dental implants procedures

Advanced Dental Implant Procedures

Similar to how a house requires a sturdy foundation, a rejuvenated smile relies on a robust jawbone foundation to support and integrate with dental implants effectively. Unfortunately, following tooth loss, the jawbone gradually experiences a decrease in density and strength. Adequate bone tissue is crucial to being a suitable candidate for dental implants. Fortunately, there are preparatory procedures available to enhance and prepare the jawbone tissue for successful implant placement. These procedures help ensure a solid foundation for the implants and enable you to enjoy the benefits of a restored smile.

Bone Grafting

In order for dental implants to achieve stability and security, successful integration with the jawbone is essential. This necessitates a certain level of bone density prior to the implant placement procedure. If your lower jawbone lacks the required density, a bone graft can be performed to restore the tissue, improving the chances of a successful implant outcome. Typically, synthetic materials are utilized for the graft, which facilitate the growth of new jawbone tissue and enhance the strength of the existing natural tissue.

Sinus Lift

Unlike the lower jaw, the upper jawbone has limited space due to the proximity of the maxillary sinuses, which are air-filled spaces. In cases where bone loss has occurred in this region, we can perform a sinus lift procedure to create additional space for the growth of new bone tissue. Following the sinus lift, a bone grafting procedure is often performed to strengthen the tissue before the placement of dental implants. The healing process after the procedure typically takes between 4 and 12 months.

PRP/PRF Treatment

To ensure the success of implant placement, proper healing of your body is crucial. To expedite the healing process and promote osseointegration, we utilize platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), derived from your own blood. These regenerative treatments can accelerate healing, minimize the risk of infections, and reduce complications following the implant placement procedure. With the help of PRP and PRF, you can enjoy a complete smile sooner and with improved peace of mind.

Ridge Expansion

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone undergoes both vertical and horizontal deterioration, which can hinder the successful integration of dental implants. To address the loss of height, a bone graft is performed, while a ridge expansion procedure ensures sufficient width of the jawbone to accommodate the implant posts. During ridge expansion, the bone is divided and gently separated, allowing the ridge to widen and create an ideal environment for the osseointegration of implants. This comprehensive approach ensures the availability of ample bone tissue for a successful implant placement and long-term stability.

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